RJ 2024 inscription des animateurs – registration of the animators

joindre votre photo en format jpeg ou jpg
How long have you been practicing taiji quan or other internal martial art ?
How long have you been teaching it ? :
What is/are your teacher(s)’ name(s) ? :
What style(s) do you practice ? :
Do you practice or teach other martial arts or other disciplines ? :
What language(s) can you use for your teaching ? :
Do you mind if your address is communicated to the participants during the Jasnières meeting ? :
I want to organize a workshop around the RJ

Ce questionnaire servira à la présentation des animateurs et doit impérativement
être retourné
le 28 décembre 2023. Vérifiez que vous n’avez pas oublié d’inclure votre programme.
Merci de respecter cette date en raison des JO qui pourraient perturber notre manifestation.

This questionnaire will enable us to introduce you to all participants.

Deadline for registration : December 28 2023.
Please check you haven’t forgotten to enclose your program !
Please respect this date due to the Olympic games which could disrupt our event

votre programme – your program

I wish to show a demonstration whose subject is :
proposed person
Expanded title of my talk around Taiji quan theme